Monday, February 21, 2011

quick brief update

Well the month of Febuary has been sorta crazy... and I really kind of fell off the face of the blogging world until I got a comment from Dull Boy saying something about January 31st. It's been forever! I do have some good excuses though. ;)

In the beginning of Febuary I had to leave my host family because it really was not working out. And I have to say, in the last 2 weeks I've been much happier then I was in the 2.5 months spent with my first host family. I was able to find a second host family who is living around Copenhagen. So now I'm close to the big city! It's made it much easier to meet people and it's made life a bit more fun. My current host family has 3 children. 2 boys- 7 and 11 and 1 girl- 4. They are all fantastic and very sweet! The 11 year old boy speaks English which is quite a relief. And he's quite the comedian actually.

So beyond moving (my goodness i acquired way too much clothing) and adjusting to a new family.... I just spent the last week in Paris! I made sure I saw the most important sights like... the Eiffel Tower etc... and it was a great experience.

So now that I am learning the routine in my second host family, I should be able to blog like I used to.

xoxoxoxo Em

p.s. someone just named there daughter Facebook. I think I'm going to name my daughter Twitter.


  1. that's no good about your host family, their loss, hope the new family works out better.

    ...on the name thing, can i reserve

    (actually i better hope it's not a boy!)

  2. Glad things are working out better for you know! I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences with your new family!

  3. Twitter is a very sexual name for a little girl...make sure it's a boy.

    Glad to see you've moved to a family that's more enjoyable. I looked into being an au pair (I think I've shared that with you?) but I had a lot of reservations about getting along with the family. You were fortunate to find another family so quickly.

    Paris is a great city. I loved it more the first time I was there. The second time I was a little disappointed but that could be because I had "been there, done that" and my travel companions were starting to affect my mood.

    Jealous that you're near Copenhagen though. Like insanely jealous.

    Welcome back :)

  4. you were warned about the clothing ;)
    tu prima.

  5. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but great news you have found a better family! I am so jealous of your Paris travels! :)

  6. Just curious, what was the problem with the first family? I know you don't want to say anything bad about the people involved, I was just wondering how the whole system works, I assume there is a company involved, are there rules and expectations set up ahead of time?
    Lynne in MD

  7. you have been missing some awesome posts on my blog....i only do quality work now!

  8. Wow, lots of changes for you indeed and I am happy to hear they're all such positive ones! Yay for a week in Paris and for livign closer to the city. Hope to see you in the blogosphere more often :)

  9. You're becoming like me: falling off the face of the blogging world ;)


  10. have you left the planet??

  11. are you in hiding?
